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Update for Faculty + Technical Staff

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Academic Affairs
By Trish Kelly

Posted on | Updated

Guidance for our safe return to in-person instruction.

Dear Faculty and Staff,

As previously announced, beginning on January 24 we will be moving from an exclusively online teaching environment back to some in-person instruction. While curriculum originally planned as online will continue in that mode, the majority of courses will shift to hybrid delivery.

As a reminder, hybrid delivery offers faculty continued latitude and flexibility in determining when to schedule and engage with in-person instruction. In preparing for this semester's hybrid delivery, faculty would also have already included a minimum of 50% in-person instruction in their course planning which may require further adjustments.

I recognize that a lot has changed since our original plan was put into place, and that shifting the first few weeks of the term online may have slightly altered that equation for some of you. Additionally I encourage all staff and Technical Operations to consider how best to provide online resources and virtual check-ins to best prepare students for their on-campus experience. I encourage you to work with your Dean or manager if you have questions, concerns, or need support in considering how to plan things moving forward.

I also want to assure you that ECU will continue to take all necessary safety measures, including masking requirements in all public spaces including classrooms and studios, enhanced cleaning, promoting hand hygiene, and encouraging flexibility in attendance policies and learning formats so those who may need to self-isolate can do so without hesitation. You can find the most updated information about ECU’s safe return plan here. Additionally, you can read the PHO’s latest recommendation that post-secondary universities, colleges, and institutes plan for in-person learning in January.

I know for many of you sorting the current shifts and changes caused by the Omicron variant has been stressful. I want to acknowledge the care and compassion you bring to the teaching and learning environment, and thank you for all you are doing to support students.

