Community Updates


Statement on the Humanitarian Crisis in Afghanistan

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President's Office
By Gillian Siddall

Posted on August 17, 2021 | Updated August 17, 2021, 1:02pm

Filed in Faculty, Staff, Students

A message from our President.

Dear ECU Community,

Like many of you, I have been watching the devastating events in Afghanistan with a heavy heart. During these difficult times, I want to express my sincere condolences to those in our community who are personally impacted by this crisis.

For those who wish to support the Afghan people, here are some ways to take action:

  • Islamic Relief Canada is accepting donations to provide emergency support to families in Afghanistan who have been displaced by drought and conflict.

  • A template has been created for those who wish to email their Member of Parliament and urge them to support the Afghan people.

  • A peaceful protest in support of the Afghan community will take place outside the Vancouver Art Gallery on August 28 at 2:00 pm. More information is available on Instagram.

Confidential, trauma-informed counselling services are available to students through our Counselling Office. Staff and faculty can access counselling through our Employee and Family Assistance Plan, by visiting the EFAP website or calling 1.844.880.9142. If you are in crisis, support is available any time of day or night through the Crisis Centre of BC.


Gillian Siddall
President + Vice-Chancellor