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Sound Level Zone Trial in the Library

By Library

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Filed in Faculty, Staff, Students

Library sound signage

Find a spot in the Library which is right for your needs!

You may have noticed some new signage popping up in the Library space this semester - this is a trial based off feedback from our Sound Survey last school year.

Students identified areas of the library that they felt were too loud, particularly during the busiest and most enthusiastic parts of the day. If you are interested in seeing the data we collected, as well as our responses to that data - take a look at the Sound & Volume Levels Survey in our Student Feedback guide!

There were many requests that we designate specific zones in the Library for louder or quieter interactions, so we are running a trial where we have designated each level of the Library as a space for different types of interactions.

As conversations in certain spaces can echo throughout the entire Library, the aim with this trial is to encourage quiet study and collaboration on the mezzanine and lower level, while keeping the upper level free as a social space. The silent study carrels will remain the same. Keep an eye out for signage that will tell you where you can sit for your needs!

Please tell us your thoughts - there is an ongoing survey available!