Site Preparation Work for the Broadway Subway
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Filed in Faculty, Staff, Students

The Broadway Subway Project Corporation (BSPC) will be in your neighbourhood to prepare the site for construction of the elevated guideway, tunnel portal and future Great Northern Way–Emily Carr Station and tunnel boring machine assembly.
This work will include the installation of fencing around the perimeter of the work site and the closure of some areas that will become part of the construction footprint. Once the fence is installed, pre-construction work, such as soil removal, additional geotechnical investigation, and work site set-up will begin.
Work will take place Monday-Friday.

- April 1: Fencing installed around the parking lot north of Emily Carr University of Art + Design.
- April 6: Fencing installed around the greenspace at Great Northern Way and Thornton Street, including the sidewalk on the east side of Thornton Street from Great Northern Way to the Central Valley Greenway.
- April 8: Fencing installed on a portion of E. 1st Avenue north of Emily Carr University of Art + Design.
- April 12: Fencing installed across and around Thornton Street from Great Northern Way to E. 1st Avenue.
- The greenspace on the northeast corner of Thornton Street and Great Northern Way will be closed and will become part of station construction.
- The Central Valley Greenway will continue to be open until it is detoured later in April. A separate notification will be provided for that work.
- Sidewalks encircling the Emily Carr University of Art + Design campus will remain open to provide pedestrian access.
- The public sidewalk on the east side of Thornton Street will be closed between Great Northern Way and the Central Valley Greenway as of April 6.
- The public sidewalk on the west side of Thornton Street will remain open until later in April. A separate notification will be provided prior to its closure.
For more updates, visit the Broadway Subway website.