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Mindfulness Meditation + Teaching

By Sandy Ewart

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Filed in Faculty, Staff

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Introductory Sessions + Ongoing Practice

This semester Jen Woodin will be hosting a series on Mindfulness Meditation + Teaching at the Teaching + Learning Centre. Jen has been practicing meditation for over 15 years, with formal training in multiple traditions. She is a meditation instructor and directed a center for the arts and meditation for 5 years in New York.

Ongoing Practice:

  • Monday, September 16th at 3:30 PM at the TLC
  • Thursday, September 19th at 11:30 AM at the TLC
  • Monday, September 23rd at 3:30 PM at the TLC
  • No session on Thursday

The sessions will be 1-hour long and it will include some meditation, theory, and time for questions/reflection. No registration required.

Unable to make a session? Fill out this questionnaire to let us know what days/times work for you.