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Listening in Relation

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Listening in Relation is a project that expands on listening practices and ecological art by exploring decolonization through thought and practices of IBPoC artists.

Faculty member Julie Andreyev receives an ECU NSERC Mobilize grant to support research with Canadian Association for Sound Ecology and The Only Animal. Listening in Relation is a project that expands on listening practices and ecological art by exploring decolonization through thought and practices of IBPoC artists. The objectives are to: explore decolonial approaches to listening and material practices to help foster care for human and more-than-human lifeworlds; hold workshops led by IBPoC artists to shape listening and sound-making; hold workshops led by Indigenous plant scientists and artists to expand material creativity; document the explorations for open access dissemination.

Over the upcoming fall and spring, the Listening in Relation team will hold a variety of events including reading group, workshops, listening and sound making sessions. The ECU community is welcome to participate!

We’ll announce the events as they become available. The project is supported by the Basically Good Media Lab at ECU. For more information contact Julie Andreyev,