Community Updates
Library Tea Drive!
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Filed in Faculty, Staff, Students

Did you get some tea you don't like for a holiday gift? Is your tea cupboard packed to bursting? Drop off your unloved tea at the Library!
The Library has been offering free tea for students the past few months, but our stash is running low! We have the funds to purchase some basics, but would love to be able to continue to offer a fun variety. Our cupboards at home have been picked clean, but we invite everybody to take a look through their cupboards and see if there are any teas that need a new home.
One person's (tea) trash is another person's (tea) treasure!
We can only accept bagged tea - either in single packets or still in the box with the ingredients visible.
One person's (tea) trash is another person's (tea) treasure!
We can only accept bagged tea - either in single packets or still in the box with the ingredients visible.