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Library Staff Profile: Suzanne

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By Angela and Cybèle Creery

Posted on May 28, 2021 | Updated August 25, 2022, 2:55pm

Filed in Faculty, Staff, Students


What's your name, and what's your job title?
Suzanne Rackover, University Librarian

What pronouns do you use?

Do you have a specialty at the Library?
I’m the administrative head of the library so I represent the library + archives across the institution as well as manage the budget, supervise folks, write reports, and continually learn new things from the rest of the team about how to best serve everyone who uses the ECU Library + Archives. You can also come to me with your copyright questions and I'll do my best to answer them (but I'm not a lawyer and don't give legal advice).

How long have you been at ECU?
Since Nov. 2016

Tell us a bit about the portrait of yourself!
I'm terrible at taking selfies but this one seems not too bad. I'm on my apartment balcony enjoying the luxury of a sunny fall day in Vancouver.

What do you miss about being on campus all the time?
Short brainstorming meetings with my colleagues.

What do you like about working from home?
Not having to worry about preparing lunch before I start my day.

What has gotten you through this past year?
Connecting with friends near and far on the video platform of the moment and many, many podcasts.

If you could go back in time to the start of the pandemic, what would you tell yourself?
Not learning a new skill, hobby, or language during the pandemic doesn't mean I wasn't productive during this time.

What could you talk about for a half hour straight, with no prep?
I’m pretty chatty so I could likely share a lot about many things.

Do you have a personal art practice/creative hobby you'd like to share?
Do crossword puzzles count?

What are you watching lately?
Law & Order: SVU and documentaries on art fraud/theft. Cooking videos on YouTube. Just started Peaky Blinders.

What are you reading lately?
Pachinko by Min Jin Lee; The Story of the Lost Child by Elena Ferrante; Agatha by Anne Cathrine Bomann.

Do you have a favourite book or magazine?
Persuasion and Cook’s Illustrated.

What's a prized possession or item of clothing you have?
A very old-fashioned opal and gold pendant/brooch from my grandmother.

What do you do if you can't sleep?
Toss and turn.

What's the strangest thing you've eaten?
Chopped liver - maybe not strange, just an acquired taste.