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Library Roundup - July 2022

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By Library

Posted on July 30, 2022 | Updated August 02, 2022, 11:49am

Filed in Faculty, Staff, Students

The word 'new' on a purple and teal background, with waving pink lines in the top right corner.

Take a peek at some of the new things that came into the Library this month!

This month we didn't receive a huge amount of new material, so stay tuned for larger numbers of new items to come in the future!

Click on a item to view it in further detail, and for books you can also log in to your account to place a hold if you're interested.
Don't hesitate to contact us if you have any issues logging in to your account.

We also always have a display featuring a variety of new items which are available for checkout on display by our front entrance.

Plastic Free July

In July the ECU Library participated in Plastic Free July, an international initiative to cut out, or cut down on, single-use plastics.

In general, we found that going plastic free takes some extra planning (you have to figure out where you can find that plastic-free bread or cheese); a bit of extra time (you have to do some extra running around when shopping, or spend some time coming up with DIY alternatives); and, at times, a bit of extra cash (plastic-wrapped food tends to be cheaper, though not always!)

But with enough resolve, and some support from friends and colleagues, a plastic-free life is an achievable and rewarding pursuit.

Throughout the month we shared tips on our Instagram account on how to reduce our dependence on plastics. These tips came from the research and experience of our staff members, and we hope that some of them may inspire thoughts on how we can reduce our individual impacts.

If you are interested in tips like the ones below, take a look at our Instagram story highlights!


Database Feature!

Eager to overawe your interlocutor with feats of rhetorical prestidigitation? ie. wanna sound smart? Take a look at the dictionaries, thesauri, and encyclopedias available in the Oxford Reference Database. Not only will this resource help you to boost your vocabulary, you will also find a plethora, or rather, a surfeit, of useful entries on a variety of topics.

Subjects include art & architecture, media studies, music, performing arts, philosophy, social sciences, and society & culture, while articles range from short traditional reference entries to longer in-depth essays. Comprehensive, up-to-date, and covering over 25 topics, the Oxford Reference Database is a great first stop when conducting research, or when looking for information on a specific topic.

To access Oxford Reference, select the 'Databases' tab on the library homepage, then 'Databases A-Z', then scroll down to the 'O's'.