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Library Database Spotlight: Westar Music & Sound Effects

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Filed in Faculty, Staff, Students

🎵 Need sound effects or background music? Turn to Westar Music & Sound Effects! 🎵

Creating any kind of video or audio work? Need some funky music in the background or a very specific kind of door creaking sound? Westar Music & Sound Effects is for you!

Westar Music provides download access to:

  • Over 10,000 bgm tracks
  • Over 450,000 sound effects

Filter for background tracks by genre, tempo, or length. Genres range from “ambient” to “EDM” to “Scifi/Horror”.

Search for sound effects by keyword or browse by category, which covers every need you can imagine! Choices range from “concussive wave” to 1040 clock sounds to 446 “Liquid and Mud” sounds for your very own orc birth scenes.

Just make sure you are only using these tracks for coursework only and not commercial purposes! (That's what the library licence covers.)

Accessing Westar Music & Sound Effects

  • Get to Westar from the A-Z listing
  • Once in Westar platform, click on the “Sound effects” tab in the horizontal navigation bar to access the catalogue of sound effects