Introducing the ECU Seed Swap!
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Filed in Faculty, Staff, Students

Emily Carr community members can now pick up free seed packets at the entrance of the library. Logo by Peggy Chi.
Green thumbs and greenhorns, the Emily Carr Library is excited to introduce the “ECU Seed Swap”! Emily Carr community members can now pick up free seed packets at the entrance of the library. Several types of seeds are available including veggies, pollinators, dye plants, native species, and easy to grow varieties. Empty envelopes are also available if you’d like to share some seeds from your garden for next planting season. For more information, including how to start seeds and how to save them, please check out our ECU Seed Swap Libguide. And we’d love to share your gardening tips, stories and experience on our new Seed Swap Instagram account (@ecu_seed_swap).

We’d also like to congratulate Peggy Chi, winner of last month’s Seed Swap design competition coordinated by the Student Climate Action Network. You will see Peggy’s logo stamped onto each of our seed packets. A special thanks goes out to SCAN for catalyzing the Seed Swap initiative and for all of the work they have put into this project. If you would like to get involved with SCAN, or have an idea for a collaborative project, you can email them at Happy planning and happy planting!