Students: Get Started on Course Evaluations with Blue!
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We've launched our course evaluation season with a new and much-improved platform called Blue!
Course evaluations are an important way to gather input about your learning in ECU courses and programs. At the end of each term, we invite you to complete a survey about your learning experience for each of the courses you have taken that term: this feedback is used to review and update curriculum and teaching practices.
By now, you’ll have received an invitation to participate in your course evaluations. It’ll contain a direct link to your course evaluation surveys. You can also log into Blue via MyEC or Moodle.
The course evaluation period will be open from Monday, November 27, to Monday, December 18, but we encourage you to complete them before you leave campus at the end of the term.
With any new platform, it’s crucial to check out the training materials on offer. We’ve assembled helpful guides to navigate the new system. If you run into any issues, submit a ticket, and the IT services team will be happy to help.
Your feedback is so important to your instructors and programs!