Connect With Your Community!
Communications + Marketing
By Selina Rajani
Filed in Faculty, Staff, Students
Are you a student, faculty or staff member with something to share?
Emily Carr University has a variety of channels where you can promote your events, department updates or other announcements.
Some of these channels are self-serve, which means you can use an easy-to-navigate form to submit them. Others are curated and managed by ECU’s Communications + Marketing team.
Content is regularly shared with the ECU community in several ways, including through weekly digests sent directly to your inbox. Sign up for the digests here, and read on for more details!
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We welcome you to submit your event! Events are shared on and may be included in our email newsletters and social media posts.
Visit Events here.
Who are the event listings for?
How are event submissions approved?
How do I submit an event?
When are event submissions approved?
Community Updates
Submit an update for the ECU community! Share announcements, service changes, new resources, or any other information you want to share with staff, students and faculty.
Visit Community Updates here.
How and when are Community Updates sent out to the community?
- Once the Community Update is approved and published, it will appear on the Community Updates page as well as on the webpage belonging to that area, if applicable.
- Community Updates are included in a weekly digest email shared with students, faculty and staff every Wednesday.
- To be included in a Wednesday email digest, your Community Update must be online at least 10 days prior.
Notice Board
Think of the Notice Board as a virtual bulletin board where you can promote your personal events and projects, advertise the second-hand scooter you're selling or dog walking services or anything you'd like to share with your friends and colleagues.
Visit the Notice Board here.
Who can submit an Notice?
What kind of things can I submit to the Notice Board?
Do Notices stay online forever?
How do I submit a Notice?
When are Notice Board submissions approved?
How are Notice Board submissions approved?
How and when are Notices sent out to the community?
- Once the Notice is approved and published, it will appear on our Notice Board.
- Notices are included in a weekly digest email that is sent out to students, faculty and staff every Thursday.
- To be included in a Thursday email digest, your Notice must be online at least 10 days prior.
Showcase is for Emily Carr students to submit their work, so that it can be featured by Emily Carr on digital and print channels.
Visit Showcase here.
What is Showcase? What is it for?
Who can submit to Showcase?
What kind of things can I submit to Showcase?
How do I submit to Showcase?
When are Showcase submissions approved?
News Stories
We’re always looking for stories about members of our community (including alumni, students, staff and faculty). If you’ve recently won an award, received a grant, embarked on a research project, or made an impact on the world, please tell us about it!
Visit News here.
Who are News Stories for?
Who can submit a News Story?
What kind of ideas can I pitch to News Stories?
How do I submit a pitch for a News Story?
What happens after I submit an idea for a News Story?
How and when are News Stories sent out to the community?
- News stories appear on our News page.
- They are also shared on our social media channels and are featured in our newsletters.
- News Stories are also included in a weekly digest email that is sent out to students, faculty and staff every Thursday.
- The Communications + Marketing team retains the right to further promote select news stories across ECU’s digital channels as determined.
Emily Post Newsletter
Emily Post is our internal newsletter and is sent every two weeks to all faculty and staff.
Find out more here.
What kind of content will I see in the Emily Post?
When and how is the Emily Post distributed?
- The Emily Post is sent bi-weekly by email on Wednesday afternoons.
Can I pitch a story or send feedback to the Emily Post?
Digital Screens
ECU’s digital screens display timely, highly visible, broadly-viewable communications for and from the ECU community.
Find out more here.
Where are the Digital Screens located?
How do I get something on the Digital Screens?
How does Communications + Marketing decide what goes on the Digital Screens?
Social Media
ECU social media accounts are a way for members of the Emily Carr community to connect with their peers, learn about university-related news and events, and share useful information.
Find out more here.
What are ECU’s social media channels?
How do I get something shared by @emilycarru?
How does Communications + Marketing decide what gets posted by @emilycarru?
Connect with Us!
We’re always excited to highlight the great work and innovations of our community! Find more information about Communications + Marketing at ECU here.