Applications are now open for the Stephen A. Corcoran Memorial Award - Deadline extended!
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Filed in Students

Revised deadline: Monday March 31, 2025, at 4:30pm.
The award was established to provide encouragement and remove financial barriers for Emily Carr students living with a significant and chronic mental health condition or disorder.
This annual award has a value of $1,000.
How to apply:
- Download the application and Medical Eligibility Form .
- Complete both forms and place them, along with any other supporting documents and materials, in a sealed envelope marked "Stephen A. Corcoran Award" and "Confidential"
- Drop it off at the Advancement Office (Room D2430, on Level 2). We're open Monday to Friday.
Be sure to submit your completed application by Monday March 31, 2025, at 4:30pm.
Contact if you have any questions.