Announcing Our New Email Digests
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Filed in Faculty, Staff, Students
Stay informed and share updates with your ECU community.
We’re excited to announce a new way of staying up to date with our community! We’re launching email digests that allow you to get a weekly summary of News, Events, Community Updates, and Notices every Tuesday.
These digests will begin arriving in your inbox later in June.
What’s a Community Update?
Community Updates are a new feature on our website where you'll find updates and announcements from different areas of the university. This was created to help faculties and administrative units share information with community members in an organized and central location on our website.
Unlike our News stories, which are of interest to those at ECU and beyond, Community Updates are specifically for students, staff and faculty.
Why email digests?
We’re introducing weekly digests to help streamline the volume of email you get from ECU. We know that there are a lot of emails to keep up with, but that you also don’t want to miss an exciting event or announcement. These email digests will keep you in the loop without flooding your inbox.
You can choose which digests you want to receive — and if you prefer not to receive them at all, you are welcome to unsubscribe anytime. All updates can be found on our website, and you can follow us on social media too.
We also send an ECU community newsletter, The Emily Post, every two weeks. It includes selected news, updates and events, as well as opportunities and announcements.
We’ll be using Mailchimp to deliver these digests, which means using your name and ECU email address on the platform. We wanted to mention that in case you have concerns about your data or privacy. You can learn more about Mailchimp’s privacy policy here. If you prefer not to have your information stored by Mailchimp, you can opt out of our email digests in advance of the launch.
How can I submit an event or update?
You can submit events, notices, or community updates through our web forms. They’ll be automatically added to the next digest.
How do I subscribe? Can I opt out?
There's no need to subscribe — all current students, staff and faculty will receive email digests as part of our initial launch.
If you don't want to receive the digests, simply fill out this form by June 21 and you'll be removed before the launch. Please include your ECU email address so we can track your request. You can always sign up later if you change your mind.
You can also unsubscribe or change your settings at any time through a link at the bottom of every email digest.
We hope that this change will make it easier for everyone in our community to share and participate in activities at ECU.