Important Dates + Deadlines | Campus Exhibition

The following dates + deadlines only apply to those planning to exhibit on campus. Find the complete list of graduation week dates and deadlines over on the Graduation Hub.

Dynamic Media students participating in the screenings: please note specific dates + deadlines will be communicated directly through your faculty. If you have any questions, you can reach out to Lorelei Pepi (



All Grad Meeting ONLINEMarch 3rd - 3pm Video Link
All Grad Meeting IN PERSONMarch 6th - 11:30 Reliance Theatre
Application DeadlineMarch 17th
Photo Documentation StationsApril 8th
Work Drop-off Deadline
April 22nd (Tuesday after Easter)
Label Submission DeadlineApril 22nd
On-Campus Installation DayApr 29th
Additional Install Days
Apr 30th, May 1st, May 2nd
Opening of the Grad Show
May 7th
ConvocationMay 8th
Last day of the show
May 21st
Deinstall days for participants
May 22nd, 23rd
Extra Day for DeinstallMay 26th