Online Exhibition

The Show website was created for you to exhibit work online alongside your graduating peers. It’s a space to showcase your work and process for your community and potential employers.

All eligible students can participate (no application required), and will receive an invitation to their ECU e-mails to sign in to the website.

Students need to exhibit their works on The Show website in order to be eligible for Grad Awards.

Step 1: Know the Dates + Deadlines

  • April 5, 2-3pm: Info session & introduction to online exhibition website. View the info session recording (myEC login required).
  • April 8: Begin creating your project page on the website
  • April 29: Project pages must be complete
  • May 9: The Show opens

Step 2: Attend a Planning Workshop

Our Digital Production Interns An and Zoe hosted a Zoom info session and introduction to WordPress on Friday, April 5 from 2-3 pm.

The session covered how to plan and build your Project Page on the website, and available examples and resources.

View the info session recording here (myEC login required).

Step 3: Build your Project Page

The Show website is custom-built on WordPress platform. You are responsible for creating your own Project Page on the website, but there is help and support available if you need it.

Plan what media, documentation, and text you’d like to include in advance, and how you’d like to structure your page. Use a desktop or laptop computer when building, rather than phone or tablet.

Refer to the Help page for detailed instructions on building your page. It may be useful to keep this open in a separate tab while working.

Help page sections:

Step 4: Get Support

There are several ways to get support when building your project in the Grad Show website:

Online Exhibition FAQs

Can I edit my Project Page once the The Show website is live to the public?
Can I add new Categories to describe my Project?
My work is already uploaded to another website. What should I do?