Student Wellness

Wellness Programming
In addition to personal counselling, a range of wellness programming is offered to students to reduce stress, and promote and enhance students’ success and well-being along seven dimensions of wellness: emotional, psychological, physical, financial, environmental, cultural and social.
We recognize that students may have very limited capacity and opportunity to meet their wellness needs. With this in mind, our group programming aims to foster community and a sense of belonging, and reduce feelings of isolation and loneliness that students may be experiencing as they remain vigilant against the spread of COVID-19.
Our initial weekly programming includes*:
Wellness Kitchen (Room A2056)
Oasis Student Wellness Lounge (Room D2392)
*may be subject to change depending on interest
Students will receive regular emails regarding our programming from Student Wellness. They can also follow @ecustudentwellness on Instagram to stay up-to-date on the latest information.