In addition to funding opportunities administered by Emily Carr, there are a number of external awards, scholarships, bursaries, and grants that you can apply for. The following awards are not administered by Emily Carr University of Art + Design and therefore, you may need to be affiliated with a company, club or organization -- or another qualification may be required -- for eligibility. The awards listed here are just a sampling of the types of scholarships and bursaries made available to students. You should also consult with clubs, groups, or organizations with which you are personally affiliated to seek out sources that may not be listed. Also, students are encouraged to do a web search for a more comprehensive listing. Various scholarship finder websites have been provided at the end of this listing.
Information resources for further research
1-800-WHEELCHAIR.CA Scholarship
Alberta Scholarship and Bursary Programs
The government of Alberta administers a number of scholarships and bursaries for Alberta residents. A limited number of these awards are open to students studying outside Alberta at the post-secondary level.
For more information:
Alberta Scholarship Programs
4th Floor, 9940 106 Street
Box 28000, Stn Main
Edmonton, AB T5J 4R4
Phone: (780) 427-8640
Fax: (780) 427-1288
Award for Ukrainian Art in Alberta
BC Arts Council Scholarship Awards Program
BC Black History Awareness Society
BC Government and Service Employees' Union (BCGEU) Student Scholarships
The BC Government and Service Employees’ Union continues to offer scholarships each year to students who are related to BCGEU members and who are entering post secondary institutions in British Columbia each year. For more information: or from any Area Office of the BC Government and Service Employees’ Union.
Education Officer
Attention: Scholarship Committee
B.C. Government and Service Employees’ Union
4911 Canada Way
Burnaby, BC V5G 3W3
Tel: (604) 291-9611 or 1-800-663-1674
Fax: (604) 291-6030 or 1-800-946-0244
Email: scholarship[at]
BC Housing Bursary Program
Black Business and Professional Association (BBPA) National Scholarship Program
Do you identify as Black? You may be eligible to receive financial support. Follow @thebbpa for more updates or
Cal Callahan Memorial Bursary
Canada Council Grant for Individual Projects
Canadian Federation of University Women - Parksville Qualicum
Canadian Federation of University Women - South Delta Bursary
Coast Capital Savings Youth Get It Education Awards
Columbia Institute Awards Program
Credit Union Foundation of BC
CUPE Local 15 Dependent's Bursary
Elizabeth Greenshields Foundation
Harold Arvid Christenson Memorial Scholarship
Icelandic Canadian Club of BC Scholarships
Students of Icelandic or part-Icelandic descent are invited to apply for the ICCBC two scholarships per year to BC residents who are students either entering, continuing their studies at or doing graduate work at accredited post-secondary institutions. For more information: Application deadline is August 15.
The Scholarship Committee, ICC of BC
c/o 6320 Madrona Crescent
Richmond BC V7C 2T4
Tel: (604) 515-1224
Email: icc_of_bc[at]
Indspire (Formerly the National Aboriginal Achievement Foundation
BC Scholarship Society (formally the Irving K. Barber Transfer Scholarship Program)
The James Lee Foundation Scholarship
The Joseph Plaskett Foundation Award
Kin Canadian Bursaries, Hal Rogers Endowment Fund
The Leonard Foundation Scholarships
MADD Canada Youth Bursary Program
NEADS National Student Awards Program (National Educational Association of Disabled Students)
David Evans Scholarship of Art + Design, New Art Foundation of Vancouver
New Brunswick Arts Scholarships Program
Prospera Credit Union Educational Awards Program (Jump Start)
Prospera Credit Union: Education Grant
Public Guardian and Trustee Education Assistance Fund
Bursaries of up to $3,300 each are available to former permanent wards of the province of BC. For more information:
Personal Trust Administrator
Public Guardian and Trustee of British Columbia
700-808 West Hastings Street
Vancouver BC V6C 3L3
Tel: (604) 660-0957
Email: estates[at]
RBC Future Launch Scholarship for Black Youth
RBC Future Launch Scholarship for Indigenous Youth
Summer Language Bursary Program
Youth Educational Assistance Fund for Former Youth in Care
The Byrnes Bursary (The Whonnock Foundation)
Consolidated Credit Counseling Services of Canada Scholarship Program
The Applied Arts Magazine Scholarship Awards
Veterans Affairs Canada - Education and Training Benefit
The Education and Training Benefit helps Veterans achieve education and career goals. You may be eligible to receive up to $80,000 in funding.
For more information:
Vietnamese Professionals Association of BC (VPABC)
Canadian Mental Health Association
Your Story Agency: YSA Student Scholarship
Vietnamese Professionals Association of BC Scholarship Program