About ECU's Strategic Plan

Who is Involved?

The Strategic Planning Advisory Group is responsible for guiding the planning process and facilitating engagement so that everyone can share their feedback to shape ECU’s future. The planning process is co-chaired by Tiffanie Ting (Executive Director of Continuing Studies) and Kyla Mallett (Dean of the Audain Faculty of Art).

A call for expressions of interest to join the advisory group was circulated in January 2021 to bring together a team of people with a range of skills, diverse perspectives, and passion for ideas to catalyze growth at ECU. We thank everyone who sent in such thoughtful submissions to join this advisory group.

The advisory group has now been staffed, and several meetings have occurred thus far. We have also retained the services of Vantage Point, a local non-profit organization that provides support and feedback throughout the strategic planning process.

Contact us

If you have any questions about this process, please do not hesitate to contact us at strategicplan@ecuad.ca.