The Plant Project

by Cathryn John

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Graduation year: 2018

This project began with the goal to get young people interested in growing their own food. Through research it was discovered that in order to get people interested in growing their own food, they must become interested in growing in general. The Plant Project provides a support network for those who may have been afraid to grow their own plants in the first place and situates that support network within a place they visit often. Each plant stand would be located in local schools, office buildings and community centres. They could each be slightly different based on the communities needs. The final design below is designed for a workplace or school setting.

Each new owner of a plant stand would also recieve an order of easy-care indoor plants. They would be offered an adopt a plant workshop as well as a recommended list of books/supplies to add to their plant stand.

Cathryn's project received an award from UK-based Creative Conscience, who recognize young creatives for researching and designing for sustainable futures.

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