The Lockdown

by Mana Saei

← Back to Showcase bachelor of media arts, new media sound arts

Graduate Student | Graduation year: 2021

The Lockdown is a 3D virtual gallery recalling COVID-era experiences told through interactive audiovisuals. The project weaves together stories told from my perspective with symbolic patterns of Persian carpets as representation of stay-at-home days.

Still image from the video mana saei ecuad
Mana Saei
Four different views of The Lockdown gallery from user’s perspective. To visit the gallery go to:

The Lockdown _ trailer

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Mana Saei

About the Artist

Mana Saei is an emerging Media & Sound artist based in Vancouver. Her practice includes exploring new approaches to virtual reality and audio visual installations to raise public awareness about critical global issues. She graduated from ECU in 2021.

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