The Apartment of Personality

by Jenny Chen

← Back to Showcase bachelor of fine arts, visual arts major

Fourth Year | Graduation year: 2023

The Apartment of Personality is a seven-panel oil painting created in 2022, based on classical painting techniques and with reference to the seven deadly sins. This painting is a reflection of myself.

The Apartment of Personality Shao Qing Chen 65991

A seven-panel oil painting depicted a panoramic apartment inside the artist's mind. Each panel referenced a sin with a self-portrait. The colourful scene and girlish dresses on yellow backgrounds are very playful. But the skeleton peeled off from the skin and eyeball in the flower creates an uncanny scene. Artwork by Jenny Chen.

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Jenny Chen.

About the Artist

I am a Chinese-Canadian figurative painter who lives in Vancouver. I combined my eastern philosophy and western technique to represent and celebrate my identity through narrative paintings.

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