some boats and a bird.

by Emil Vargas

← Back to Showcase bachelor of media arts, film and screen arts

Fourth Year | Graduation year: 2022

This photo was taken on a photo walk along Stanley Park and culminating on Third Beach. The photo was taken on my Mamiya RZ67 on Portra 400, developed and scanned by me.

Emil Vargas
A scene taken from Third beach in Stanley Park, four boats are seen on the water being hit by different lighting, a bird is seen on top of a rock barely extending its wings
IMG 1699
Matilda Aslizadeh

About the Artist

My name is Emil Vargas, I am a FMSA student moving into fourth year. I am a photographer and aspiring DoP and film director. My photography revolves around composition and colours in rather common scenes to create interesting visual pieces.

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