Shared Space: An Acoustic Installation for PHSA

by Health Design Lab

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Graduation year: 2015

As of September 2013, the Health Design Lab is partnering with the Provincial Health Services Authority (PHSA) of BC to create a sound dampening installation for the atrium space in their newly renovated office facility.

Led by Faculty Jonathan Aitken and Helene Day Fraser, the project enlists Emily Carr Master of Design students to propose a design solution that will improve acoustics as well as provide a more vibrant environment for this large community hub. The project will also involve the acoustics expertise of Dr. Murray Hodgson and Ioannis Kourloulis of UBC, and an innovative co-creation session with over 130 office workers, lead by SOCS 309 students, under the supervision of Deborah Shackleton and Jason Rupert.

co creation slide

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