SANDDE User Interface Research
by S3D Centre
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Graduation year: 2015

SANDDE is an immersive, stereoscopic 3D animation tool that allows animators to create content with all the freedom, flexibility, and style of hand drawn animation.
Using a wand, an animator can draw in space, manipulate line quality parameters, and animate the line drawings. The animated drawings are shown in real-time stereoscopic 3D on a 3DTV or projection screen. As a Beta site for SANDDE, the Emily Carr S3D Centre is helping test and refine the user interface.
In addition, a team of graduate students is working on integrating the drawing tool with Emily Carr’s motion tracking system which will enable full body interaction. The research is looking at what kinds of movement are appropriate for drawing in 3D and manipulating drawing parameters, and whether other devices would need to be used in addition to movement.
This research is funded by NSERC, the GRAND Network Centre of Excellence, and the Consortium en innovation numérique du Québec (CINQ).
Partner: Sandde
Basically Good Media Lab (BGML)

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