Showcase See the work. Welcome to Emily Carr University's online gallery. Submit work to the Showcase here. King of Panthera by Fiona Tang This work is not good enough for Emily Carr's Masters Program by Darren Andrychuk The "Present" by Chang Min Shin Juan Diego Monsalve Sosa by Juan Diego Monsalve Sosa My Least Favourite Person by Lantien Chen #EverythingLookedBetterOnline by Cathleen Chow Bodyscapes by Callista Faye MacLennan Storyboards for Animation: Fixation by Caitlin Lamb Buff Marks (11 Incindental Compositions) by Brett Barmby Just Paint by Bitu Chakma BLOOD WORK: MANDALAS (PORTRAITS) by Benjamin Garner Room Escape by Barbara Reid Reflections on Plato’s Cave: the illusions are real (and I was happier with my illusions) by Barbara Cadario Unicycle by Andrew McKeachie Rendering Reality: Decomposition of Imposed Structures. by Allison Watters Threshold_Figures by Alexis Grey Hildreth A Mall for Some Bunnies by Nicole Dunn Lickety-split by Manon-Alice George Inner Monsters - Depression by Erin Taniguchi Such Sweet Convergence by Brenda Zhong Transcendent Ones by Avelina Stanier Cruz Paint The Stars by Emily Cameron End of Land, esquisses, Vancouver 2010-2014 by Emile Rubino Grey Highlands, Ontario by Cadence MacKinnon I'm a Professional Fashion Model Now! by Bernard Patacsil Previous Next