Mapping Switchboard

by Alicia Lawrence

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These recent photographic works illustrate both connection and coincidence - where juxtapositions of visual themes create aesthetic coherence, though disrupted narrative integrity.

ALICIALAWRENCE Fort Macleod AB Mar2022
Alicia Lawrence
Fort Macleod, AB, March 2022, digital photograph
Coast lawrencealicia2022
Alicia Lawrence
Witty's Lagoon to Roche Cove, 19 February 2022, digital photographs
Alicia Lawrence
New Oxford Street, London, UK, July 2022, digital photograph

About the Artist

Alicia Lawrence is an artist and creative writer. She has contributed illustrations to Discorder Magazine and works primarily in the genres of illustrative painting and drawing, digital art and design, and photography.

Emily Carr Students are eligible to submit their work for consideration in the Showcase.

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