
by April Rhee

← Back to Showcase bachelor of media arts, 3d animation major

Alumni | Graduation year: 2019

Lucky is a 3D animated short film by April Rhee based on her childhood experience of her family road trip while moving from London, Ontario to Vancouver, BC. The film is a commemoration of Lucky, her pet bunny, who accompanied her throughout most of her childhood.

Jenny and her bunny, Lucky, share their adventure across the Canadian Prairies as her family moves from Ontario to Vancouver.

Stills Lucky 01
Stills Lucky 02
Stills Lucky 03

CGI Animated Short Film: "Lucky"

About the Artist

April is a Vancouver-based 3D artist with a strong passion for visual effects compositing. Her interests centre around visual story-telling through 3D medium and contemporary photography. In the spring on 2019, she achieved a Bachelor of Media Arts with a focus on 3D Computer Animation. Her undergraduate works include CGI shorts using created 3D content as well as the integration with live action footage. She will continue to deepen her skills in 3D along with expanding her visual effects compositing portfolio.

Emily Carr Students are eligible to submit their work for consideration in the Showcase.

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