“kiskistotawâtânik aniki kîkâ kâkî-pîkîwîcik | Let us remember those that did not come home“

by Caleb Ellison-Dysart

← Back to Showcase bachelor of fine arts, 3d animation major

Third Year | Graduation year: 2023

This piece is dedicated to all of the Indigenous children & youth who have been impacted by the residential & day school system, and all of the other systemic injustices that settler-colonial states design, enact and perpetuate.

Let Us Rem
Caleb Ellison-Dysart
kiskistotawâtânik aniki kîkâ kâkî-pîkîwîcik | Let us remember those that did not come home
IMG 8144
Caleb Ellison-Dysart

About the Artist

Caleb Ellison-Dysart is a Nîhithaw multidisciplinary artist specializing in 3D Animation & Modelling. He creates an aesthetic that is raw and authentic, celebrating his Nîhithaw culture and an innate, ancestral connection to the land.

Emily Carr Students are eligible to submit their work for consideration in the Showcase.

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