Joan of Arc

by Xanthe Kittson

← Back to Showcase bachelor of fine arts, photography major

Fourth Year | Graduation year: 2021

This work is inspired by Joan of Arc, who was a visionary being guided by the voices of religious saints. Despite being a peasant woman and only 16 years old, Joan of Arc led the French army to victory during the war of Orléans.

Archival Inket.

Joan Of Arc
Xanthe Kittson
Joan Darc
Xanthe Kittson
Joan Darc
Xanthe Kittson

About the Artist

Xanthe Kittson is a portrait photographer who is currently based in Vancouver, BC. Using mainly digital photography as her chosen medium, Kittson creates ethereal portraits that are heavily inspired by mythology, fairytales, and folklore.

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