Gentrification Series

by Michael G. Levin

← Back to Showcase bachelor of fine arts, visual arts major

Fourth Year

I try to evoke the precision of architecture mixed with the madness of the pace and overall changing neighbourhoods. I paint from my imagination and from the memories of exploring Vancouver as I watch this city growing upwards.

IMG 3107
Michael G. Levin
Ink on paper
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Michael G. Levin
Ink on paper
IMG 1062
Michael G. Levin
Ink on paper
G3 IMG 1067
Michael G. Levin
Ink on paper

About the Artist

I was a draftsman, and then returned to study painting at Emily Carr University. I have now completed my 4th year in Visual Arts. I also teach the Fundamentals of Drawing and Painting at The Art Studios and at Vancouver General Hospital.

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