A Vulnerable Man series, 2021

by Jordan Robertson

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In the project A Vulnerable Man, I inquire about stereotypical gender roles in heterosexual relationships and venerable masculinity by photographing couples in an intimate setting.

Depicting my subjects in their homes or in places that hold significance to them, I strive to capture moments that reveal intimacy between the two models. Much of this intimacy is created by presenting the couple in their personal space, resulting in an image that showcases a sense of connection, creating a moment that feels more observed than staged.

I am interested in exploring the stereotypes surrounding men and masculinity, specifically societal standard ideas of vulnerability and emotions. I utilize a square composition to limit the negative space around the couple, allowing for more attention to be drawn to them. Having conversations with my subjects about their relationship results in the models being more relaxed and puts their focus on their partner rather than myself being in the space. These conversations help me understand their relationship and what positions feel the most natural.

With a society that still assumes that masculinity is related to strength and that vulnerability means weakness, men are often uncomfortable showing their emotions and feel the pressure to suppress them. This work challenges this stereotype by showing the woman in a position of power and support while the male is in the more vulnerable state. It is important that the models are real couples to show a true meaningful connection between the two.

Jordan R

About the Artist

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