Lorelei Pepi

Undergraduate - Associate Professor
Phone Number: 604-844-3800 ext 2874
Email: lpepi@ecuad.ca
Lorelei Pepi is an internationally award-winning independent animation filmmaker living in Vancouver, BC, and just recently landed to join the Animation Dept here at Emily Carr. Her work engages with issues of political and historical representation, the sexual body and the LGBT identity. Using animation‘s various forms, her materials and treatments range from the highly experimental to the character-driven narrative. She’s currently applying to festivals with her recently finished film “Happy & Gay.” Her film “Grace” received “Grand Prize” at the Ottawa Student Animation Festival, and the “High Risk Award” at Fantoche Animation Festival, among others. Her creative practice has received funding, fellowships and residencies from such organizations as LEF Moving Image, Harvard University Film Study, the MacDowell Colony, and others.