Scheduling Office, Community Bookings

Spaces are available for use by students, staff and faculty throughout the year for university related business and curriculum related events and activities including, but not limited to:

  • Meetings
  • Student clubs
  • Critiques: Installations + Presentations
  • Student filming on campus
  • Screenings
  • Guest speakers

Planning an event?

If your plans include one or more of the following criteria it is considered an event and an Event Form must be submitted.

  • Requires technical support for either in-person or hybrid, combining in-person and online (Zoom, Teams);
  • Is open to members of the public;
  • Has an audience of more than 25 people and is not related to a required curricular activity

A Risk Assessment may be required and if needed, an Event Technical Support Form.

To help, we have defined the event types and procedures below.

I would like to book an:

In-Person or Hybrid Event
Online Event

Before you submit your Event request, read through the following booking guidelines.

Booking Guidelines