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Incident Reporting

A student resource for addressing concerning behaviour and misconduct. Faculty and staff, contact Justine Langille.

At Emily Carr, we’re committed to providing a safe learning and working environment for students, staff and faculty. We all have a role to play in creating a respectful space where members of our community feel physically, emotionally and culturally secure.

The university has policies and procedures in place to help ensure that our community members observe the highest standards of ethical conduct and integrity in fulfilling their duties. We expect students, staff and faculty to behave in a manner that is respectful, equitable and inclusive. Discrimination, harassment and bullying will not be tolerated at Emily Carr.

There are several ways the university can respond and support you if you have experienced or witnessed concerning behaviour, such as:

  • sexual or gender-based violence
  • harassment and bullying
  • discrimination and racism
  • disruptive, threatening or violent behaviour

We strive to implement fair and efficient resolution processes for all reported concerns. We can help to resolve concerns by:

  • Offering support and navigation throughout the process.
  • Identifying possible solutions and supports, including informal resolutions through direct, respectful communication and education where appropriate.
  • Receiving and reviewing formal reports to determine if an investigation is required.
  • Supporting all involved through an investigation process and its outcome.

For academic misconduct (such as cheating or plagiarism), please report the incident directly to your course instructor or dean.

If you feel an emergency response is required, contact campus security at 604.844.3838 or dial 911: ambulance, fire and police.

(Caution and discretion can be considered when requesting a police response, including the option to request Car 87: a crisis mental health access and assessment response that pairs a psychiatric nurse with VPD officer.)

Starting the process

You can reach out to discuss your complaints and explore your options for proceeding, without moving forward with a formal report, with the Student Resource Coordinator with Counselling and Wellness.

The Student Resource Coordinator here to listen within a confidential conversation until you determine that you want to take formal action. During your meetings with the Student Resource Coordinator, you can expect to:

  • lead the process and decide what you want to share
  • review informal channels to seek resolution, such engaging in a conversation or receiving an apology
  • receive information on university policies and procedures
  • learn how to make third party and anonymous complaints, and formal reports
  • learn about supports and resources you can access

If you choose to take formal action, the Student Resource Coordinator is available to provide support and accompany you through the process.

Proceeding with a formal report

When informal resolution is not possible or appropriate, you can report situations where a member of the ECU community may have engaged in some form of misconduct.

These incidents can be reported by contacting Justine Langille, Coordinator of Student Rights, Responsibility + Safety, or by emailing the Threat Assessment Team (TAT). Your email will be reviewed and you will receive a response within three business days.

Each incident involves a unique set of circumstances. It is important that we learn the details so that we can best support you and recommend an appropriate course of action. Please be as detailed as possible when describing the incident, and include:

  • The time and date it occurred
  • The name(s) of the person(s) involved
  • If anyone else witnessed the incident
  • Whether you have reported it to anyone else
  • The best way to contact you, and the best time to reach you
A Note on Confidentiality:

Emotional and psychological support and counselling

Witnessing or experiencing an incident of harm or violence can be acutely distressing and traumatic.

Counselling services are available to provide emotional and psychological support and counselling. The counsellors are trained in trauma-informed care, critical incident stress debriefing and trauma interventions.

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