Congratulations to our New Emeriti

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Recipients received their honours at a ceremony held April 19, 2018.
Emily Carr University of Art + Design has been shaped and formed by generations of faculty, staff and administrators. In recognition of outstanding work and service to the University community, as well as the broader academic art, design and media communities, we are pleased to bestow Professor Emeritus status to the following retired faculty members:
Jonathan Aitken | Janice Ball (Lecturer) |
Michael Banwell | Gary Bowden |
Fiona Bowie | Randy Bradley |
Jim Breukelman | Chris Czartoryski |
Ron Eckert | Bob Evermon |
Carol Gigliotti | Susan Hillman |
Ken Hughes | Tam Irving |
Jack Jeffrey | Terence Johnson |
Deborah Koenker | Gary Lee-Nova |
David MacWilliam | Jan Marie Martell |
David Mayrs | Robert Michener |
Sally Michener | Heather Mitchell |
Friedrich Peter | Geoff Rees |
David Rimmer | Sharon Romero |
Rick Ross | Sylvia Scott |
Ian Wallace | Ken Wallace |
Rory Wallace | Rick William |
"We honour the members of our Emily Carr family who have served with distinction for many years. Emeritus status will connect our esteemed faculty to a place that they have helped to build. We are delighted to take this opportunity to celebrate their contribution and recognize their achievements."
Recipients received their honours at a ceremony held April 19, 2018.
Previous recipients include: Sam
Carter, Professor Emeritus, Renée Van Halm, Professor Emeritus (2010); Monique
Fouquet, Professor
and VP Academic Emeritus (2011); Marian
Penner Bancroft, Professor Emeritus,Tom Becher, Professor Emeritus, Roman Izdebski, Professor Emeritus (2013); Sheila Hall, Lecturer Emeritus, Liz Magor, Professor
Emeritus (2014); Karolle Wall,
Professor Emeritus (2015).