eCollections @ Emily Carr
Today8am - 6pm
Tomorrow1pm - 5pm
eCollections at Emily Carr is a platform that collects, showcases and preserves works created by the ECU community and items related to the University’s history. Content is freely accessible to the public. Our current collections include:
- Academic Calendar Archive
- Archival Photograph Collection
- Degree Exhibition Documentation
- Graduate Student Theses Collection
- Research + Creation
- Researcher Profiles
- Student Publications
- Student Research
- University Publications
- Wosk Masterworks Print Collection
We are currently focused on building digital collections that highlight the scholarly and creative output of ECUAD students, faculty, and staff. eCollections is currently collecting materials in the following areas:
- Masters’ theses
- Degree exhibition images
- Researcher profiles
- Scholarly + creative research outcomes by faculty and staff at ECUAD
Hillary Webb
eCollections administrator, Systems + Technical Services Librarian
eCollections is managed by the Emily Carr University Library in accordance with established guidelines. These guidelines and procedures are subject to change.
To submit your publication, research, or creative output to eCollections at Emily Carr, please contact the administrators. Learn more on the Submission page.