Faculty + Staff Exhibition Space Request Form Leave this field blank This form is for faculty and staff wishing to request exhibition space on campus.If you're a student, please visit the Student Exhibitions page for details on how to book space. Organizer Name Organizer email Organizer Phone Names of all exhibitors Exhibitor 1 Exhibitor 2 Exhibitor 3 Exhibitor 4 Exhibitor 5 Exhibitor 6 If you have more than six exhibitors, list the rest here. Applicant Details StaffFacultyOther Other - Please Specify eg Alumni, retired staff, retired faculty, Continuing Studies Student, community partner, donor, etc Area being requested MOEC Zone 1MOEC Zone 2MOEC Zone 3MOEC Zone 4 (1st Floor Gallery, previously Faculty Gallery)RBC Media GalleryReliance Atrium Start Date End Date *Please note: start and end dates must be inclusive of installation and deinstallation time. Spaces are generally booked for 10-14 days. I'm flexible Reason for Booking (please select one) ExhibitionEventOther Other reason - Please Specify Description of Exhibition/Event Please provide a short (250 word max) description of your plans for the space (description of artwork, event, installation, etc.): Special Requirements (i.e. darkness, A/V equipment, heavy/fragile objects): Please upload your Curatorial Statement including images here. Accepted file formats are PDF and .docx Please note that available exhibition space is limited and requests will be processed on a first come first served basis. We will do our best to respond to all requests within 10 business days after submission. Submit