Singing in the Stairwell

Singing in the Stairwell with songleader Sharon Bayly
On Campus
Emily Carr University
Stairwell B (south-east stairwell with windows)
Sharon Bayly | sbayly@ecuad.caOpen to Public?
Every 2nd Thursday from October 3 - November 28, 2019.
12:00 - 12:30 in Stairwell B (south-east stairwell with windows).
In this half-hour sing-along, Sharon Bayly will lead simple vocal warm ups and easy to follow songs, chants, rounds and harmonies. Let your voice ring out with other community members in the beautifully resonant stairwell space! No singing experience necessary, just a willingness to let your voice be heard!
Sharon is a shop technician in the Stretchers and Surfaces wood shop at Emily Carr. She is also a singer and songleader with two local choirs: Local Vocals and Choral Conspiracy. Her intention is to create connection and community through raise good vibrations by raising our voices together!
Everyone welcome!