Singing in the Stairwell

Singing in the Stairwell with songleader Sharon Bayly
On Campus
Emily Carr University
Stairwell B (south-east stairwell with windows)
Sharon Bayly | sbayly@ecuad.caOpen to Public?
Every 2nd Thursday from October 3 - November 28, 2019.
12:00 - 12:30 in Stairwell B (south-east stairwell with windows).
In this half-hour sing-along, Sharon Bayly will lead simple vocal warm-ups and easy to follow songs, chants, rounds and harmonies. Let your voice ring out with other community members in the beautifully resonant stairwell space! No singing experience necessary, just a willingness to let your voice be heard!
Sharon is a shop technician in the Stretchers and Surfaces woodshop at Emily Carr. She is also a singer and song leader with two local choirs: Local Vocals and Choral Conspiracy. Her intention is to create connection and community through raise good vibrations by raising our voices together!
Everyone welcome!