BYO Lunch + Learn: "Exploring Conditions for Collaboration in Our University" with Jean Chisholm and Annie Canto

The Lunch + Learns in the TLC are back! We have a busy schedule of events for the term, all taking place on Thursdays at lunch hour. Bring your own lunch (we provide snacks and drinks) and learn from your colleagues!
Session topic:
Exploring Conditions for Collaboration in Our University
with Jean Chisholm and Annie Canto
In the context of teaching, how do we share the responsibilities of course or assignment development between two or more people? In what ways do we make space for the “creation of something new” within these collaborations, and how do we support the expertise and experiences of each collaborator to alter, enhance, or transform the classroom? Join Jean and Annie to learn more about the answers they discovered through their Teaching Associateship.