Design Writing Group

A weekly gathering space where any students passionate about design can get together with their peers to discuss any and all aspects of design writing.
Yes, Designers Write Too.
Confused about what goes into a designer’s portfolio? Excited to get to know your fellow design enthusiasts? The design writing group is the group for you! A weekly gathering space where any students passionate about design can get together with their peers to discuss any and all aspects of design writing. Our main focus will be on portfolio related writing, by targeting a different aspect of your portfolio each session. You could have the first draft of your portfolio complete by the end of the semester! It is a casual, low pressure space to ask questions, share work, give and receive feedback, and experiment with different writing strategies that will help enhance your design practice.
- Who: Any students passionate about design.
- What: Casual weekly gathering to share and discuss all forms of design writing, facilitated by two tutors from the Emily Carr Writing Centre
- When: Tuesdays from 11:30 to 12:30
- Where: B3155 or on Zoom. Please pre-register here for either!
Please e-mail if you have any questions.