DDM Speakers: The global reach of an Afroperuvian holy man: Martín de Porres in Ireland, 1952-2022

Join us for this talk with Dr. Celia Cussen.
Dr. Celia Cussen will be speaking about contemporary Chilean politics, and respond to questions about the film NOSTALGIA FOR THE LIGHT.
Dr. Celia Cussen is an associate professor at the University of Chile where she teaches courses on colonial Latin American history. She is the author of Black Saint of the Americas: The Life and Afterlife of Martín de Porres (Cambridge University Press, 2014) translated as Martín de Porres, Santo de América (Instituto de Estudios Peruanos, 2016). She is the editor of La cofradía de Nuestra Señora de la Candelaria: Una hermandad de mulatos y naturales en Santiago, s. XVII (2021) and Huellas de África en América. Perspectives for Chile (2009). She has been a visiting researcher at the David Rockefeller Center for Latin American Studies at Harvard University, the University of Hamburg, and the John Carter Brown Library. Her research topics include colonial religiosity among men and women of African descent, and the economic and social history of Black slavery in the city of Santiago. Her current research centers on the globalization of the devotion to the Afroperuvian holy man, Martín de Porres, in the twentieth century.
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