DDM Speakers: Design Practice and Archives: how spending time with the past can inform the thinking and making of the present

A talk with designer Briar Levit.
Join us for this talk with designer Briar Levit on design practice and archives: how spending time with the past can inform the thinking and making of the present.
Briar Levit is an Associate Professor of Graphic Design at Portland State University. Levit’s feature-length documentary, Graphic Means: A History of Graphic Design Production which follows design production from manual to digital methods, established an obsession with design history—particularly aspects not in the canon. She currently collaborates with Louise Sandhaus, Brockett Horne, and Morgan Searcy on The People’s Graphic Design Archive, and recently edited a book of essays for Princeton Architectural Press called Baseline Shift: Untold Stories of Women in Graphic Design History.
Graphic Means: A History of Graphic Design Production is available for streaming and as video from the Library.
Please note this talk will be taking place online:
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Meeting ID: 695 4754 9533
Passcode: 157520
Funded by the Ian Gillespie Faculty of Design + Dynamic Media.