
DDM Speakers: Athomas Goldberg | Virtual Circus Arts

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Athomas Goldberg discusses his work in virtual circus arts and multi-disciplinary entertainment.


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As Co-Founder and Executive Director at Shocap Entertainment, Athomas’ creative virtuosity helps navigate the company forward, leading developments in real-time, multi-disciplinary entertainment.

Initially setting his sights on a career in lighting design during the 1980s in NYC, Athomas' chance meeting with NYU professor, Dr. Ken Perlin, sparked a change in aspirations – the professor was at the forefront of lifelike behavioural animation and his work inspired Athomas to become obsessed with the creation of living, breathing digital actors.

After several years at NYU’s Media Research Lab, Athomas’ new-found skill-set landed him a position at EA (Electronic Arts) where he oversaw the development of the game company’s proprietary animation tools and technologies, before taking on roles at both Relic Entertainment and Microsoft Studios. With a range of skills at his disposal, Athomas founded Lifelike & Believable Animation Design – the company utilizes VR, AR and other emerging applications within real-time interactive animation.

This talk will take place over Zoom:

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Meeting ID: 684 8393 1289
Passcode: DDM

Funded by the Ian Gillespie Faculty of Design & Dynamic Media.