
BEADSOUP! Annual Aboriginal Gathering Place Exhibition

This event is in the past
Leanne Inuarak-Dall

Opening Reception Thursday, Feb. 6 at 5 PM
presents artworks from Indigenous students, staff, faculty and alumni, as well as performances and food to celebrate the annual exhibition's 30th anniversary.


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2nd floor

Emily Carr University of Art + Design See on Map

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BEADSOUP! is a constellation of works by Indigenous students, staff, faculty, and alumni of Emily Carr University of Art + Design. Beadsoup is a term used by artists to identify a mixture of beads made up of diverse colours and finishes. Beadsoup can be made on purpose or often comes from a happy accident of beads spilling from their containers. When combined, the varying hues create a new, kaleidoscopic blend with its own nourishing aesthetic qualities. The exhibition, based on this name, engages with how we, as people from different Indigenous nations far and wide, are all sovereign and also in conversation with one another. The work within BEADSOUP! is multi-disciplinary, omnitemporal, and proudly Indigenous. Put together in the bead jar that is this exhibition, the artists and their works are a brilliant spectrum of creativity on an individual and collective scale.