
A Practical Introduction to Research Data Management

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Portage event poster 01

This Digital + Creative Knowledge Sharing Fall Series workshop is geared towards ECU researchers and will introduce participants to Portage platforms, tools, and services designed to facilitate good data management practices among researchers.


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Lois Klassen, Conference Coordinator |

Find out more

Research Data Management (RDM) is increasingly recognized as a key part of the research enterprise in all disciplines. With the forthcoming release of the Tri-Agencies’ Policy on Research Data Management, both researchers and the institutions and people who support them must have a grasp of the fundamentals of RDM. This workshop will present an overview of the resources, support, and opportunities available to help researchers and others implement best practices in RDM. We will begin with an overview of the Portage Network, a national network of experts dedicated to building RDM capacity and community in Canada. We will work with an example of a Data Management Plan (DMP) template that has been developed by the Portage community specifically with arts-based research in mind, and discuss some of the questions that arise with data management in these disciplines. We will then look at several tools and resources available to help researchers, including Portage’s Training Portal and the DMP Assistant.

Portage Network is a national, library-based research data management network. The aim of Portage is to coordinate and expand existing expertise, services, and infrastructure so that all academic researchers in Canada have access to the support they need for research data management.

Jeff Moon is the Director of Portage, a national, library-based network launched by the Canadian Association of Research Libraries (CARL) with the goal of building capacity and coordinating Research Data Management (RDM) activities in Canada. Prior to his role with Portage, Jeff served as Data Librarian at Queen’s University Library, as Academic Director of the Queen’s Research Data Centre, and as manager of the Queen’s University RDM Service.

Jane Fry is the Data Services Librarian at MacOdrum Library, Carleton University. Research data management is one of her main areas of responsibility and she is the lead for Carleton’s Institutional Strategies Working Group. She is also on a number of other local, national and international committees, including: co-Chair of the Portage Training Expert Group; Chair of the ODESI Data Deposit Policy Working Group; co-Chair of the DDI Training Committee; and member of the National RDM Training Working Group.

Jennifer Abel is the Training Coordinator for the Portage Network. She previously worked with Portage as the Project Office, supporting data management planning, sensitive data, and research intelligence. Prior to joining Portage, she worked in UBC’s Education Library and in the Research Commons, where she helped to develop a research data management workshop. She has taught at the University of Calgary, Mount Royal College, and UBC.

Nick Rochlin is the Research Data Management Specialist in UBC’s Advanced Research Computing team. He is active in the Portage Network of RDM professionals, co-chairing the Training Expert Group and the Institutional Strategies Working Group, and an active member of the FRDR User Experience & Training Group.