Black Study, Black Struggle in & Beyond the University

The fifth event of How to Be Your Own Art Historian 2020-21.
What does it mean to be in, but not of, the university? Philosopher and activist A.Y. Odedeyi will examine the possibilities and limits to the study of and struggle for freedom and liberation at the university.
When: Wednesday, February 24, 5:00PM - 6:15PM
Where: Zoom meeting room
Meeting ID: 886 2771 6682
Passcode: 2021
BLACK STUDY, BLACK STRUGGLE IN & BEYOND THE UNIVERSITY is the second Spring semester event of How to Be Your Own Art Historian, an online conversation series in the 2020-21 academic year for students interested in experimenting with critical race, ethnic, and diasporic frameworks for creative production. Stay tuned for the final event in March!
Hosted by Dr. Sue Shon with support from the Teaching and Learning Centre, the Office of Research, and Culture and Community.