Incoming Exchange Students from our partner universities
We welcome incoming exchange students from our partner institutions each year. Students are invited to spend one semester of their third (or penultimate) year of post-secondary education at Emily Carr.
You can only participate in an exchange if you are currently attending an institution that has a formal exchange or mobility agreement with Emily Carr. Please refer to the list of active partner schools or check with your home institution's exchange advisor.
Association of Independent Colleges of Art and Design (AICAD)
Emily Carr is a member of the AICAD Association of Independent Colleges of Art and Design which includes art and design colleges and universities in North America (Canada and the US). Students applying from an AICAD partner should follow the instructions provided by AICAD, and through the AICAD SlideRoom portal.
You still must submit the Application From from below by the date posted
How to Apply
- Exchange Coordinator must nominate student by deadline.
- Student must Download the application form.
- Submit your completed application form by email.
3. If you are applying from an institution that is one of our international partners then you must submit a portfolio
through our SlideRoom. Please look for the application name "INCOMING EXCHANGE FALL 2025"
Please also upload the following within SlideRoom:
- A 300-word statement of intent
- A portfolio of 10-15 works
- Nomination Letter (from your exchange coordinator)
- Course choices up to a maximum of 15.0 credits
There is a charge of $12 US to submit your portfolio on SlideRoom.
Along with your application, please email a copy of your most recent transcript.
Fall Term
- Nomination deadline March 5
- Application Form deadline March 15
- SlideRoom opens February 15 - closes March 15
Spring Term
- Nomination deadline October 1
- Application deadline October 10
- SlideRoom opens September 15 – closes October 10
Admission decisions will be communicated by email to all applicants approximately 2-4 weeks after the final portfolio SlideRoom deadline.
Academic Terms at Emily Carr University
- Fall Term: early September to late December
- Spring Term: early January to late April
Student Exchange Program Policies
- Language proficiency requirements of each institution are generally waived for exchange students, although it is important to caution applicants that the language of instruction at Emily Carr is English.
- The International or Exchange Office or the Mobility Coordinator at your home institution must nominate you. Only students nominated by officials at a student’s home institution are considered.
- Students elected for exchange continue to pay tuition to their home institution. No tuition is collected by the hosting institution. However, any studio or material fees incurred through class registration such as art supplies fees or film developing fees are the responsibility of the student.
- All students are required to pay some student fees, including a Universal Transit Pass Fee at Emily Carr of approx. $450.
- Students must apply to and receive approval from the appropriate government agency for any necessary student visas and immigration documents to enter the province/state and country of the host institution. Please refer to for the most current information.
- You must obtain and maintain adequate health insurance while participating in the exchange. You must make your own arrangements for insurance prior to leaving your home institution.
- You are responsible for finding your own housing for the period of your stay, although assistance with locating housing is provided whenever possible.
- Although every attempt is made to place each student recommended for exchange, due to space or equipment limitations it may be impossible to accommodate a request for a particular discipline in a given semester.
- Because of the quickly changing landscape regarding the COVID-19 global pandemic, or other world events it is possible that the program could be suspended at any time.